The Flying Classroom is a K-8 integrative STEM+ supplemental curriculum. While Flying Classroom includes standards and principles aligned to STEM, it also includes correlated activities to geography, informational literacy, writing, art and social studies. Students work to develop critical thinking, collaboration, communication and creativity skills as they navigate through the expedition content. Each of the lessons within the Flying Classroom are based on the global expeditions of Captain Barrington Irving.
What sets the Flying Classroom apart from other STEM educational products? First, the Flying Classroom is based on the global adventures and expeditions of Captain Barrington Irving, the youngest person (and first African American) to fly solo around the world at the age of 23.
Secondly, the Flying Classroom is a STEM instructional tool that leads teachers through implementing relevant STEM integrative instruction with students. The Flying Classroom’s curriculum is cutting-edge and real-time. With an average of 3-5 months from filming the expedition to the upload of completed expedition lessons, Lead Explorers (Teachers) are able to access and investigate current global challenges aligned to national/state standards.
Lastly, the Flying Classroom provides the opportunity for students to engage in current events that impact our ever changing global society; enhancing the relevancy of the content and conceptual understandings of students.